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A Few Words
Chad M.V. Dumas
As an international presenter, award-winning researcher, and Solution Tree Associate, my primary focus is collaborating to develop capacity for continuous improvement. Having served in a variety of roles and districts, from classroom teacher to central office leader and from a few hundred students to many thousands, I bring passion, knowledge, and skills to writing and speaking that engages participants in meaningful and practical learning. By seamlessly weaving engaging stories with education research and offering hands-on tools with clear processes, I offer readers and audiences useful knowledge and skills they can implement immediately.
An author of numerous journal articles and Amazon’s best-selling books, Let’s Put the C in PLC: A Practical Guide for School Leaders and An Action Guide to Put the C in PLC: Reflecting and Doing, I focus my work most explicitly on the role of the school principal and the work of the school to improve effectiveness and results for students.
In addition to coaching and collaborating with school partners, workshops include:
* The Collaborative Leadership Academy: People, Processes, Tools, and Tips
* How to Lead Change: Increasing Effectiveness and Results
* Making Meetings Work for All
* Identifying and Unpacking Priority Standards
* A Retreat with Data
* Standards-Based Grading Priorities and Practices
* Strategic Planning with Purpose
* Assessment Literacy and Development
* Curriculum Development and Alignment
* Maximizing Our Impact: Using the Standards of Professional Learning
* Others tailored to the needs of clients

- The Authority Podcast
- Time for Teachership
- The Community Connection
- The Assistant Principal Podcast
- PBL Simplified
- Thriving Educator
- Unlocking Unlimited Potential
- Better Leaders Better Schools
- Educational Leadership and Beyond
- The Tiberius Show
- UnProfessional Development
- Human Capital Innovations (HCI)
- Lesson: Impossible
- Reimagining Time
- Dissecting Education
- The Peg Doesn’t Fit
- Pushing Boundaries
- The Dr. Will Show
- The Road to Rediscovery
- Wired Educator
- Transformative Principal
- ASPIRE: The Leadership Development Podcast
- The EdEssentials
- The Big ED Idea
- Human Capital Innovations (HCI)
- Learning Forward India
- The Principal Leadership Lab
- Out of the Trenches
- Leader of Learning
- Chats from the Blog Cabin and Part II
- Cup of Joe
- Coaching You Through All Things Education
- Ponders Out Loud (Steve Barkley): Leaders, Teachers, or Parents
- Ed Leaders Network Webinar
- TeachThought PD
- The Principal Center Radio
- Amazing Education
The results of my work speak for themselves. One district was identified as “Persistently Lowest Achieving” upon my arrival, and within a few years multiple schools were recognized as National Models for improving student learning. I have served on and led accreditation visits for Cognia around the United States and world, presented nationally and internationally, collaborated with school boards, intermediate service agencies, state departments of education, and professional associations, and trained as an agency trainer for Adaptive Schools.
When I’m not busy engaging with clients to meet their needs, I enjoy cooking and gardening with my wife, being with friends and family, watching sports (especially Nebraska football), and serving humanity in building community.
What I Do
Leadership Development, Training, and Speaking
Virtual and In-Person
Leadership Coaching
- Needs Analysis
- School Improvement
- Data Analysis
- Teacher and Principal Evaluation
- Instructional Practices
- Presentation Planning
- Nonverbal Skills
Speaking, Training, & Facilitating
- Needs Analysis
- Curriculum Development
- Instructional Practices
- Assessment Literacy
- Leading Change
- Professional Learning Communities
- Standards of Professional Learning
- Data Analysis
- Facilitation Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Coaching Skills
- Nonverbal Skills
- Needs Analysis
- Planning
- Thinking
- Doing