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A Recipe for the Future: Three + One at a Temperature of Dialogue, Part I

A Recipe for the Future: Three + One at a Temperature of Dialogue,
Part I

December 30, 2020

As we close out what might be regarded as one of the more tumultuous years in recent memory, I wonder how we might advance understanding? Unity? Prosperity? And might there be a recipe to help?

I wonder if we can commit to carrying our civilization to newer heights? Despite, and maybe because of, the past year(s)?

At the beginning of any baking recipe, we typically find a direction to “preheat the oven to X degrees.” This is the environment in which the new creation will come to life.

So, too, does understanding require an environment–a temperature of dialogue. Hence, we start with getting this “set,” and then go about mixing the ingredients–the Three + One.

It seems to me that any potential recipe for the future begins with understanding–a deep and meaningful commitment to hearing others and valuing their perspectives. And this level of understanding begins with dialogue. Dialogue, of course begins within each of us, individually. 

How do we go about building cultures of dialogue and setting this temperature? In schools? In life?

Paulo Freiré identified some principles of effective dialogue that help set our temperature. Next time we’ll dig into what I refer to as the Three + One–the specific ingredients that will help any person build better relationships. Because relationships are the foundation of improvement, and dialogue and the Three + One will help build those better relationships and, ultimately, a better world.

According to Freiré, dialogue is “an act of creation.“ 

“Without dialogue,” he contends, “there is no communication, and without communication, there can be no true education.” 

He identifies six principles, or pre-conditions, for dialogue to occur: love, humility, faith, trust, hope, and critical thinking.

As you consider a brief highlight of his thinking around these principles of effective dialogue, think about how you embody each principle in your day-to-day actions with family, friends, and colleagues: 

heart, herzchen, love

The world.



To what extent do I demonstrate my love for each?

One of my favorite quotes comes from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, a spiritual guide and exemplar for millions of the world’s population: 

“If I love you, I need not continually speak of my love — you will know without any words. 

On the other hand if I love you not, that also will you know — and you would not believe me, were I to tell you in a thousand words, that I loved you.”

sculpture, bronze, the listening

Enough said?

hand, butterfly, clouds

I love this idea of having faith in others without even having met them. With faith, I know in my heart-of-hearts that others are worthy of being. They are inherently noble. Mine is not to question this, but instead to have faith in others–that their values, perspectives, beliefs all are worthy. 

Because they are human.

fear, trust, away

I trust others, and am trustworthy, myself. I do what I say I will do, and expect (another way of saying trust) that of others. 

grass, pavement, brick

Each and every act that we make leaves a trace–some we can physically see, others are imprinted on hearts and minds. Knowing that our actions have effects, and deriving hope from this reality, is a fundamental prerequisite to dialogue and building a better future.

woman, girl, balloon

While many times used as a “catch-phrase” and jargon-y, “critical thinking” allows us to push ourselves, and each other, to think differently than before. This sixth principle, in many ways, is a culmination of the other five. Another way of saying this is that the other five principles lay the foundation for critical thinking to happen.


Setting the temperature begins within each of us. 

The mindset of dialogue, with its accompanying behaviors (the Three + One that we’ll dig into next time), allows us to better understand each other. I believe, and have experienced, that with understanding comes unity. And with unity comes prosperity.

May 2021 bring all three.

Questions for Reflection

  • In what ways do I demonstrate these principles in my day-to-day interactions with others?

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