Money, Money, Money!!
The research on what it takes to build a collaborative environment in schools is pretty clear: resources are necessary. Resources does not always have to be money, though. Read on!
The research on what it takes to build a collaborative environment in schools is pretty clear: resources are necessary. Resources does not always have to be money, though. Read on!
“What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.” If it’s good for you to do something, then it must of necessity be good for me, too.
On Friday, February 26th at 2:38 pm, the email came through. The Subject line said “Invitation: Solution Tree PD Training & Prospective Associate Orientation.” Prospective Associate Orientation!
There’s a saying that my Persian Bahá’í friends share with me: Kam kam, rooz beh rooz. It literally means little by little, day by day. And it says a lot about life, relationships, and our work in schools.
Hopefully it goes without saying that schools are institutions of learning. This is particularly true for students. But what about the adults?
Teaming is more than grouping. It involves effective grouping techniques, focusing on the right work, using protocols, and networking.
The need for lowering the temperature in discourse has never been greater. The ingredients of the “three + one” can be a catalyst for taking us to new heights.
As we close out what might be regarded as one of the more tumultuous years in recent memory, I wonder how we might advance understanding? Unity? Prosperity? And might there be a recipe to help?
Building a collaborative environment in schools is not something that happens overnight. It seems that “we” were built with isolation in mind–one teacher working with 25 (if you’re lucky!) students all day. It’s not, what shall we call it, an ideal environment for working together to improve our practice and student learning.
Put on your mask Subtitled: Not what you’re thinking November 24, 2020 Before jumping into the post, I’m excited to share this podcast with Justin Baeder from The Principal Center where we talk about my book. Enjoy! (And be sure to follow @eduleadership on Twitter and subscribe to his podcasts). A time of gratitude, and more While …