Understanding the Why
Without knowing WHY we are doing something, the WHAT is less meaningful. Internalizing WHY ensures commitment instead of just compliance.
Without knowing WHY we are doing something, the WHAT is less meaningful. Internalizing WHY ensures commitment instead of just compliance.
The challenges of being on a team are many. Going along to get along won’t improve team functioning. Demonstrating care and getting curious about others’ perspectives will.
Last month’s blog was so popular I decided to follow it up with even more highlights of the Solution Tree institute in San Antonio in June. Plus, of course, the ever-popular Rib Review!
As a Solution Tree associate, I can attend one event per year to just learn. I share key points from San Antonio, plus an all-new Rib Review!
Ever wonder what gyros, decontamination, politics, and PLCs have in common?
Some of my recent travels and interactions have left me pondering this question: What do we want?
Now that the Thanksgiving holiday has passed, our attention turns to the December holidays. And one of the traditions that you’re likely familiar with has to do with mistletoe. Yep–we’re talking about KISSing.
DO the right work, and the results will follow. Greatness comes through doing great work. In schools we focus on the Four Critical Questions.
I love my arms. I can’t imagine living without them.
My heart is also incredibly important. It’s not just important, it’s critical. It is a must have.
The core of building a collaborative environment is in doing the right work. This is where the CIA comes in–and not the kind of covert operation you might be thinking about…