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Let's Put the C in PLC:
A Practical Guide for School Leaders

For over half a century, we have known that if there was ever a way to improve student learning, it’s this: Get your teachers thinking and working collaboratively to improve their effectiveness and create communities that learn and grow. Unfortunately, this is not happening in most schools, and inordinate inequities persist. 

It’s the principal’s job to create this culture, but that’s easier said than done. 

The specifics of what a principal needs to know and do for establishing and sustaining a collaborative community have proven elusive. This book contains the practical knowledge, skills, specific tools, and helpful stories that every busy principal needs. Based on Dr. Dumas’ internationally acclaimed study, this book provides:

  • Strategies for building productive relationships with teachers and staff.
  • Tools and templates for leading continuous improvement.
  • Tips to engage teachers in effective remote learning.
  • Practical insights into leading curriculum, instruction, and assessment processes.
  • Ways to get more done, in less time, with greater staff satisfaction.

For leaders who are short on time and long on tasks, this book is for you! Meaningful collaboration is a sure-fire way to get sustained results for students. This book will give you the knowledge and skills to do just that — to put the C in your Professional Learning Community.

Additional Publications

Webinars and Guest Blogs


Dumas, C. (2024). When it comes to CFAs “Just the FACTS, ma’am!” All Things PLC Magazine, 8(4), 36-38.

Dumas, C. (2024, Sept). Get started, then get better: Prioritizing action in a PLC. EdSurge, ISTE/ASCD.

Muñoz, M., & Dumas., C. (2022, Jan). A Partnership approach: Empowering collective efficacy through data, collaboration, and alignment. 

Dumas, C. (2021, Aug – Oct). Evaluation’s new normal: Let’s hope it is! the COMPASS, 4-5. 

Dumas, C. (2021, Aug). A Recipe for the future: Three + one at a temperature of dialogue. Human Capital Leadership, 2(3), 5-10.  

Dumas, C., & Kautz, C. (2014). Wisdom from the factory floor: For best results, limit initiatives, build capacity, and monitor progress. JSD, 35(5), 26-34.

Dumas, C., & Jenkins, L. (2013). Complete the picture: Evaluation fills in the missing pieces that feedback can’t provide. JSD, 34(5), 34-39.

Dissertation: Building Leadership: The Knowledge of Principals in Creating Collaborative Communities of Professional Learning (2010)

Reviews and Contributing Author

Jetter, R. & Coda, R. (2022, Dec). 100 No-Nonsense Things That ALL School Leaders Should STOP Doing.

Acknowledged reviewer of, “Standards into Practice: School System Roles Innovation Configuration Maps for Standards for Professional Learning.” Learning Forward, 2013. 


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