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Showing Up

Showing Up

November 1, 2022

Two years.

In some ways, two years is a long time. In the life of a child, they might learn to read or shoot a basket. For adults, we might live through a pandemic or go through a tragic series of events.

In other ways, two years is the blink of an eye. Most adults look back on two years and see a blur–the changes that come with a marriage, the first days of a child’s life, the satisfaction of engaging in our vocations with joy and impact.

And in other ways, two years can feel like both a lifetime and a whir–simultaneously crawling and flying by. So it is with the past two years for me and my work.

Choose a Path

Two years ago I published my first book, one that became a finalist for Book of the Year. It was a path that I decided to take a few months earlier, and with that decision the work of consulting with educators became the major thrust in my life.

But it may not have been.

For almost a decade, that book languished in my own mind (and a few random Word documents). I didn’t make a conscious choice NOT to write the book. But I didn’t make a conscious choice TO write the book, either. It was a non-decision in the finest sense of the term.

Until, in prayerful consideration with my wife, I made a choice. 

To act. 

To be. 

To write. 

To consult.

How We Show Up

This choice made the last two years what they have been. By making a decision, and pursuing it, the trajectory of the impact I am able to have on schools, educators, communities, and ultimately, students, is far greater than it ever previously was. Indeed, than I ever could have imagined!

I showed up.

I wrote the book. Engaged with thought leaders. Pursued partnerships. Served educators and schools.

I showed up. Fully and without reservation.

Questions for Reflection

  • In what areas of your life are you fully showing up?
  • In what areas are you less-than-present?
  • What changes might you make to be able to fully benefit from showing up?

Rib Review

Darnit! October was full of travel, but not so many ribs…however, I had a fantastic chicken sandwich worthy of the Rib Review, so let me tell you about that:

Holy Cluck. If you’re anywhere near Detroit, find it. The chicken sandwich wasn’t very large, but the flavor was absolutely incredible. They put some sweet-ish sauce on it (they also have spiced varieties), coupled with coleslaw, and…WOW. Their waffle fries were fresh and crispy. And my colleague had a milkshake that he claimed was the best he’s ever had.

Jethro’s BBQ has pretty darned good ribs. They’re a chain in the Des Moines area, so we get there pretty regularly. I’d say they compete well with the best ribs I’ve had anywhere around the country.

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