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That Whoosh You Heard?

That Whoosh You Heard?

September 1, 2023

That whooshing sound that you may have heard recently? That was the sound of summer flying by, no?

School bells are ringing again. Buses are extending their “Stop” signs while traffic stops for loading and unloading children. Marching bands are heard practicing at o’dark thirty. And public playgrounds are again falling silent during the day while schoolyards are bustling with laughter and play.

Welcome back, educators!

You Matter

As educators, we are the profession that creates all other professions. Without you, there are no doctors or lawyers, plumbers or electricians. No secretaries. No educators. We are the foundation of an ever-advancing civilizations, and without the work that you do every day, there is no advancement.

You matter.

What you say to students every day leaves a trace. What you do with and for students makes a difference in their lives.

What you say to other adults–parents, colleagues, community members–also has an impact.

Because you matter.

Undervalued and Underappreciated

Much of society gives lip-service to the value you provide. You aren’t paid enough. You aren’t respected enough. You aren’t recognized enough.

I clearly don’t know the specifics of what you go through every day to help every student succeed. I don’t know the challenges of your team, school, or students. I don’t know the steps that you are taking, the roadblocks you encounter, or the small wins that you celebrate.

But I DO know that you are trying. Every educator I have ever met is trying their darndest, day in and day out, to help students succeed. I know, with the fullness of my heart, that you are one of them.

So let me be one to say, as you return to school this year, books, laptops, and keys or keycards in hand with eager faces looking to you for guidance: thank you.

 You matter.

Have a GREAT year! And, before long, you’ll have heard the whoosh of another school year having flown by.

Questions for Reflection

  • What might you celebrate today, for you, and for the impact you are having on other people’s lives?
  • With whom might you enjoy this mini- (or big!!) celebration?


Rib Review

Dan’s barbecue in Modesto, California is quite the hole-in-the-wall. It’s in a tiny strip mall and not much to look at (from the outside or in). There are three little booths for sitting, and most of the lobby is filled with catering or food truck supplies. The place is clean, but it’s not new. Yet the ribs were quite tasty and very tender. The sauce was a little too sweet for my taste (and that’s saying something!), but the meat just fell off each bone when taking the first bite. And the price was pretty decent at just over $10 bucks for three ribs, coleslaw, and some of the best-tasting Texas garlic toast you’ve ever had!

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